1. Download an audiobook on your mp3 player, or check one out from the library.
2. Visit your library’s webpage.
3. Blog about a library book or program. Add something to another blog, this blog, or anywhere on the library’s facebook page.
4. Try out a book focused site like LibraryThing, Shelfari or Good Reads.
5. Create a soundtrack for your favorite book. If you sign up for an account at Project Playlist, you can create and save music playlists.
6. Ask a librarian to recommend a nonfiction book on an area of technology that interests you.
7. Learn to podcast. Check out YALSA Podcasts, or check out the library's list here.
8. Many young adult authors welcome email from their readers, and some even have their own Facebook and MySpace profiles. Why not send them a message?
9. Check out some DVDs, CDs, or Video Games from your library.
10. Check out your library’s anime collection, watch some anime, and look out for anime themed programmes at the library.
11. Create an avatar on Yahoo! Avatars.
12. Create and post a YouTube video about your library or a favorite book. (Also check out the OPL Teens channel here).
13. Create a database of something you want to organize.
14. Share some fan fiction on a fan fiction website.
15. Show off your stuff at one of our video game programmes. Why not play Wii Mario Kart at Jess Hann on May 7th at 2pm? Or create cool gaming environments for the Xbox at Legends on May 19th at 7pm? Check out more tech programmes in our newsletter.
16. Read an eBook online through the library's website. Don't have an e-reader? Check one out from the library!
17. Use one of the library computers, or plug into a listening station in our brand new teen area.
18. Get crafty! Use some old floppy disks to create a pen holder or notebook, or else decorate a journal with some old CDs.
19. Join the library’s Teen Advisory Group and help us plan a fun tech programme!
20. Check out some online book trailers, or make your own!
21. Take a class on graphic design or digital photography.
22. Start a del.icio.us, Twitter or Flickr account.
23. Join an online community like TeenFire.
24. Check out an online homework site like Homework Spot. Find more links to resources from the library's teen page.
25. Download a newspaper article from the day you were born from an electronic database.